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As Concordia was being developed, we realized that imagining a different future was the first step towards making it a reality and decided to be part of the solution.

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Concordia Services

You are the future your younger self hoped for.


The first time we heard that, it became an ongoing discussion. Had we become the future that our younger selves hoped for? On the surface, yes. The income, the home, the family, the stuff…all the boxes checked.

So why weren’t we happier? Why do so many of us struggle with a general sense of dissatisfaction with our successes? What’s missing?




Many of us lose sight of enjoying the trip while focusing on the destination, and when we do look up, years have slipped away. Our Pinterest boards and Tiktok feeds are chock full of the trips we hadn’t taken (but planned to!), while we neglected our self-care, and put off experiences that we've always wanted to have.


One very normal and hectic day, our founder had her moment of “enough” and started looking for ways to craft the life that her younger self thought she was signing up for. As she did so, she learned that so many professionals shared a similar experience. However, a Stanford study estimated that up to 47% of tasks currently done could potentially be automated or outsourced. What could we do with 47% more time in our day?


As Concordia was being developed, we realized that imagining a different future was the first step towards making it a reality and decided to be part of the solution.


That's why we're here.


Concordia works directly with you to curate a life you love. We are a small team with a highly developed and diverse set of skills. Our mission and purpose is to create space and time for you and are dedicated to helping you achieve that - this is not science fiction; we use technology and teamwork to help you achieve your goals and live the life you imagined.

Image by Olena Bohovyk

Ready to start your journey to a life you love and create space for the things that matter most to you?

Schedule a free consultation today and let's work together to set you free.

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